FAQ - China high end power supply solution provider - Wenzhou Aoca Electronic Co.,Ltd

Q1:What is a resilient seated gate valve?

A resilient seated gate valve has a plain valve bottom allowing free passage for sand and pebbles in the valve. If impurities pass as the valve closes, the rubber surface will close around the impurities while the valve is closed.

Q2:What are the commonly used materials of Chinese valves?

1.Gray cast iron: Gray cast iron is suitable for water, steam, air, gas, oil and other media with nominal pressurePN≤1.0mpa and temperature ranging from -10°℃ to 200°℃.Common grades of gray cast iron are:HT200,HT250.HT300 and HT350.
2.Malleable cast iron: suitable for water, steam, air and oil media with nominal pressure PNs 2.5mpa andtemperature -30 ~300℃, commonly used brands: KTH300-O6, KTH330-08,KTH350-10.
Ductile iron: applicable to water, steam. air and oil with PNs 4.0mpa and temperature between -30 ~350℃.Common grades are: QT400-15.QT450-10,QT500-7.
In view of the current level of domestic technology, different plants, users are often not easy to
inspect.According to experience, it is recommended that PN≤ 2.5mpa, the valve should be made of steel.
4.Acid-resistant high silicon ductile iron: suitable for corrosive medium with nominal pressure PN≤0.25MPa andtemperature below 120“℃.
5.carbon steel: suiltable for medium such as water, steam, air, hydrogen, ammonia, nitrogen and petroleumproducts with nominal pressure PN≤32.0MPa and temperature -30~

Q3: What is a pressure relief valve?

A pressure relief valve is a device that is used to relieve pressure in a system. The valve is designed to open and release pressure when the system pressure exceeds the set point. The valve is typically used in closed systems and cannot release pressure through an open vent


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Velya Valve is located in oubei , zhejiang the valve Town . The company is committed to the production of HVAC Valves,water system valves,and energy saving management of heating and cooling systems.


Tel1: +86-18167280717

Whatsapp: +86-18167280717

Email: Jocelyn4050@163.com
